
Doing Good

There aren't enough people doing good things in the world.

Be one.

Men: Be good people. You know how to do it? It's simple. Learn to respect women. Treat them like women. Open doors for them. Compliment them. Spoil them. Yes, spoil them. They have to put up with you on a regular basis, and despite how much you might feel you're God's greatest gift to the world (which makes you the opposite, by the way), it's no easy task. You're big, you're gross, you're clumsy--you're no prize. But make a concerted effort to be the antithesis of all those things. It is a guarantee that when you learn to treat women with the respect that they deserve, all of your other character flaws will shrink or entirely disappear. This extends to all spheres of malehood. Be good fathers; be good husbands; be good brothers; be good sons; in short, be real men. Be the men women hope you'll be, not the men they expect you to be. And learn some manners.

Women: Be good people. Your task is very different, but no less important. Stay humble. Stay thankful. Never forget to show your gratitude for even the smallest of things, and mean it when you say it. Never compromise your standards, and keep those standards high. Forgive people--men, women, and children. Don't hold others' faults against them, but accept them, help them to improve where you can and where they'll let you, and move on. Don't be unnecessarily stubborn. It seems most of you are more naturally aware of and attentive to others' needs, which is good, but just make sure you try to do something about it when somebody needs you to step in.

Be good; do good. Others will follow.


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